Monday, December 10, 2007

There is a Redeemer

One of my favorite hymns is There is a Redeemer. I came up with another verse for it.

There is a redeemer Jesus God's own son.
There he died on that old cross
saving are sinful hearts.
Thank-you oh my Father
for giving us your son
and leaving your Spirit
til the work on earth is done.


ksjones83 said...

This is so awesome Julie! I'm so proud of you!!!

Granny T said...

Hi Princess Flower,
I loved your writing. You did a great job! I bet that you didn't know your great-great-great-grandfather West wrote poems too. I have copies of them that I can show you. He wrote mostly about his wife, Catherine. I'm glad that you're starting a blog too. I'll check it every day like I do your Mom's blog. Love, Granny T.

Anonymous said...

Very Nice Princess Flower! I like the verse you added.

Anonymous said...

Very Cool Julie... You are too cute :)